“If you’d live in a all skin colours, what would happen to your recruitment bias?”
Dive into VR’s story
Once upon a time, reality became virtual. Dig into recent experiments, experiences, and exchanges in the world of VR.June 19, 2020
It’s an opportunity to go to new worlds. Explore a new place with no boundaries.
June 19, 2020
This Innovation Day, the Centre explored how new technology may impact the world of learning and training.
June 19, 2020
Schools are scrambling. Workplaces are testing. Everyone is worrying. Of all the things we’re missing out on right now…
June 18, 2020
I was working in digital and social media for five years, and I got a bit bored. It was the very beginning of VR.
June 18, 2020
I’m not an AR/VR expert. But it’s an eye-opener and I see the valuable potential.